TP's over so the doctor ordered week's worth of chillin'
Caught my first play a couple of weeks back - Own Time Own Target. Sorta comedy about life in the army. Great acting, great show.
Came back from JB a while ago with Hakim. Not much to shop but ate and ate like no one's biz. A&W of course, plus Cinnamon Sugar pretzels and baked sweet potatoes. Food galore - the best.
I'll just let the pics do the talking, cos I'm lazy to write more.

Chill out at home

Here's the gang, minus QCie and me

Kino, the Yoga master

Someone's comfy

Meet QCie! She stayed over for a couple of nights. Sweet darling...

Ever seen a dog burp? Here's the face. Pls imagine the smell and sound and put it together.

Meet Shan!
Then there were crazy nights at Chevron:

3 stooges

Man on man rough-housing

Songs and drinks

My honey and me
The dogs chilling and home:


Doggie face-off