Click click click click
I love the texture of this sign... stones behind plaster... how cool is that?
The Esplanade
City slickers
It's a light fixture that reflects the light from the street lamp actually
Still roaring despite the strike to the head
A sideward glance from Kino
Bathed in light
I'm amazed at how he can rest his head on his hind legs
This picture gives me the impression of a snowy day, even though I've never experienced one before in my life.
Paws to you
Enjoying the scratch a little too much?
Vodka in a state of sleepiness
Ah finally up
Curled up fur ball
Mischievous looking Kino
Kino strikes another pose as Vodka cures an itch
Now she's tired
Our 2 furkids
I like how the light hits him... straight on the face to make him light up
Crouching Kino hidden agenda