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"stepping out on my own"

Monday, December 28, 2009
it's all in the mind

Situations will always present themselves, but it's how we deal with them that makes a world of a difference. Sometimes we need to think it through past our emotions and see how we shld better deal with it. We don't have to win all the time. It's a matter of getting things resolved with both parties feeling good about it.

10 Promises I Made to My Dog was on Ch62. It's a great show and I was watching it, until I felt like I couldn't cos it reminded me too much of Vodka. Haven't really thought about him in a while, but watching the show, I was reminded of how I failed to keep to those 10 promises, especially the last one.

It's so true - we are their world. And I believe, they too, are our world.

Sunday, December 27, 2009
in transition

There are some people who hit the jackpot everytime, and then others who always draw the short straw.

Watching the stacks of cash being counted in plain sight, how just one note from that stack could make a world of a difference in our lives. Damn, the amount he held in his hands was more than 10 times the amount in my bank account. At that moment, it felt as if I drew the short straw after all.

But then we always forget to look around and be thankful for what we have. The miniscule things, not just material objects but other things that we should be thankful for but take for granted.

In some areas of life we may have drawn the short straw, and sometimes, it's only temporary, for that short period of time when we've hit a low. But there are also times when we hit the jackpot. That's just life, and the point of it is to brace ourselves through the hard times and look forward to and take joy in the good times. For that's exactly how life plays out.

Smile and the world smiles with you.

And today, the reason for me to smile? The beauty of nature.

I aim to work hard next sem, for someone has promised me a fully paid 14-day trip to Bangkok if I hit my target.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
stepping out

We all have our own comfort zones. Sometimes having to step out of it and be faced with new stuff. It does for me - all the time. Learning new things, starting on something new, having a brand new living environment - it all fazes me. I should just get out and get going. Why should I give a shit about what others think anyways? I don't need to be part of a group - I'm always the solitary drifter - always have been and probably always will be.

On a better note - Manja's back in the blk, at least early this morning she was. Saw her as I returned home at 4. Find myself scouring the lift lobby and stairs where she usually snoozes at everytime I pass by it and to be able to find her there at 4 when I least expected it, well, that's just a plus.

Thursday, December 03, 2009
I long for the day when Kino and Manja can be like this:

Guess who's back?

Lunch for yesterday - home-made portobello and ham sandwich. Super delicious! I love portobello!!

Here's last night's dinner - mee sua.

And guess who's back in the block?!


And the first thing a cat must do when she returns? Scent mark everything!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009
meow; slurp

A pretty boy we found in the park - not very pretty here but trust us, the grey coat is gorgeous.

A pretty girl we found hiding behind the flower pots. She's got superb markings - light grey with black lines.

Except she could do with a little more etiquette.

And here's dinner! Success with spag in cream sauce with grilled chicken and portobello. Yums!

Monday, November 30, 2009
3 in 1

Had a great workout today playing bball, frisbee and tchoukball (which I totally cannot play - still dun understand how I can miss the friggin big net to hit air, or metal instead).

Been missing Manja recently - she's been hanging out in other areas in the neighbourhood I think. Saw her this morning when I was leaving the house and stroked her for a while - sweet as ever, that darling. But that's about the last time I saw her. I want Manja!

Saturday, November 28, 2009
So Expensive Nothing TO See Also

Sun. Sand. Sea. Frisbee. Downpour. Sun again. Frisbee. Frisbee. Frisbee. Burnt and tired body. Steamboat. Bugis. Food. Food. Food. Fat. Fat. Fat. Satisfied.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
i do remember that i have a dog

Cos of the recent attention showered on a certain cat, I have decided to show some love for my darling dog too... We still love you more Kino!

Why am I not a cat? :(

You sure you'd rather not be out with that cat?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
raining cats and dogs

Saw this pic and I tot it apt for this season of monsoon rains...